Before this blog I used to blog elsewhere. Whereas this blog is a sort of upbeat glimpse into my day to day life, heavy on pictures but light on content, that old blog was a true journal. I shut it down in 2006 when I realized that too many people I knew in real life were reading. But I didn't delete it.
Fast forward to 2011. That old blog is precious to me now. It's a real, raw look at my thoughts and emotions as I struggled with a pre-teen, a 2 year old and an infant, with balancing work and family, with a terrible job that I hated, and with all of the day to day drudgery that life threw at me. I realize not only are those words precious to me, but some day my kids might benefit from a glimpse into my head, when they're struggling with work/life balance, with babies who won't sleep and bosses who make life hellish, maybe they'll find comfort in knowing they're not alone.
So I turned my old blog into a printed book, using
Blurb. It wasn't exactly easy, the system 'slurps' your blog into a template, but I found I had a ton of formatting work to do afterwards. Still, it wasn't difficult, and the end result exceeds my expectations.
This isn't a book that will sit out on my coffee table for the whole world to peruse, but it turned out so gorgeous and precious I'll be proud sharing it with a few of my nearest and dearest.