Ah Hallowe'en, not my favourite holiday but the kids love everything about it, the candy, the costumes, the running around after dark... and the candy. Oh the candy!
This year Katie decided to be a "50's girl", and Jonah was a cowboy. Except, because this is 2012 and they're 9 and 11, they had to be an undead 50's girl and an undead cowboy. Ahem. I made Katie's poodle skirt out of felt with a sequined border. Those sequins, ai yi yi, I couldn't glue them so I ended up stitching them all by hand, almost 3 yards.
Jonah's cowboy shirt came from Giant Tiger (you mean there are people who dress like this all of the time?), his boots were Katie's (now outgrown) and his hat was a most fortuitous Dollarama find, but his holster and guns, we went to multiple toy and department stores before finally finding this set at a costume shop (and overpriced at that). Crazy, I guess cowboys aren't popular any more. Pity.
The trick or treated with C for more than an hour (in lovely mild weather) and brought home heaps of candy and crap.
5 days ago