Monday, June 27, 2016

Sandbanks Provincial Park

It's been two decades (TWO DECADES!) since the last time I camped at Sandbanks. I honestly don't remember it being soooo crowded then, but I guess the world has changed a lot.

Beach was just as gorgeous as I remembered...

The lack of flush toilets in our particular campground was a little off-putting to the bits, but at least we weren't packed in like sardines, like they were in the spots closer to the main beach. Yipes!

And it was an easy walk to watch the sunset.


Chris White said...

Great post!
Time flies so quickly within a blink of eyes.The world indeed has changed alot.
Lack of clean sanitation feature is definitely disgusting.But the view of sunset from the beach is definitely a must watch.

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Kate Lynch said...

Nice post.Keep sharing. Thanks