Friday, March 27, 2009


It's been one year. One year ago today my dearest friend departed this mortal earth for places unknown.

In many ways it feels like it's been a very long year, but I feel like it was just yesterday we were chatting on the phone. Truth is I haven't stopped talking to her. Nearly every day there is something I want to tell her about, or ask for her advice, except now it's mostly in my head. I can hear her responses though, as clear as if she was across from me in the kitchen, or on the other end of the phone line, her laughter, her silliness, her sage advice (usually to 'smarten up') when I need a kick in the @$$.

Miss you...


Leah said...

Hugs Valerie. I was thinking of her/you just the other day.

I have a new blog on blogger inkfulthinkingsjourney . See ya around

Christine Delgadillo said...

Wow, hard to believe a year has already passed. Jodi will forever be in your heart...big hugz!

joybear said...

She was amazing ((HUGS)))